I. Nous-tenons-À-remercier and . Rey-fabret, Jean Guesnon et Philippe Perreau pour leur contribution au choix des relevés expérimentaux, la relecture du manuscrit et les discussions et suggestions d'extension de la théorie aux conditions de transition d'un trilobe à un motif d'ordre de symétrie supérieur

F. Abbassian, Drillstring Vibration Primer, 1994.

W. D. Aldred and M. C. Sheppard, Drillstring Vibrations: a New Generation Mechanism and Control Strategies. SPE 24582, 67thAnnual Technical Conférence, 1992.

C. H. Cooley, P. E. Pastusek, and L. A. Sinor, Development of an Anti-Whirl Cote Bit. SPE 24586, 67th Annual Technical Conférence and Exhibition, 1992.

R. A. Cunningham, Analysis of Downholé Measurements of Drill String Forces and Motions, Journal of Engineering for Industry, pp.208-216, 1968.

D. W. Dareing, Drill Collar Length is a Major Factor in Vibration Control, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1984.

E. Detoumay and P. Defoumy, A Phenomenological Model for thé Drilling Action of Drag Bits, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech.Abstr, vol.29, pp.13-23, 1992.

V. A. Dunayevsky, A. Judzis, and W. H. Mills, Dynamic Stability of Drillstrings under Fluctuating Weights on Bit, vol.14329, 1985.

V. A. Dunayevsky and F. Et-abassian, Application of Stability Approach to Bit Dynamics, 1995.

I. G. Falconer, T. M. Burgess, and M. C. Sheppard, Separating Bit and Lithology Effects from Drilling Mechanics Data. IADC/SPE Drilling Conférence, 1988.

H. Geoffroy, Étude de l'interaction roche/outil de forage influence de l'usure sur les paramètres de coupe, 1996.

H. Geoffroy, D. Nguyen-minh, and C. Putot, 34, 611. C Putot et C Mabile / Conditions d'apparition et formes de rebond d, Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci, p.335, 1997.

H. Geoffroy, D. Nguyen-minh, and C. Putot, Rock-PDC Bit Interaction: Study of thé Frictional Contact Between Rock and Cutter Wear Flat, Symposium International, Engineering Mechanics Today 97, 1997.

D. A. Glowka, Implications of Thermal Wear Phenomena for PDC Bit Design and Operation. 60th Annual Technical Conférence and Exhibition of thé SPE, 1985.

C. Mabile, J. P. Desplans, and D. Et-pavone, A New Way of Using Surface Measurements to Detect Down Hole Vibrations, Europec Milan SPE, vol.36883, 1996.

A. Mazelet, Étude des vibrations auto-excitées d'un outil de forage. Mémoire de stage d, 1995.

1. Politopoulos, Méthodes de calcul du comportement dynamique non linéaire d'une garniture de forage, 1993.

C. Putot, Modèles du processus de foration, 1993.

C. Putot and A. Constantinescu, Modèle de foration fondé sur le couplage des effets d'évacuation des déblais et de coupe de la roche, Symposium Saint-Venant, 1997.

C. Putot, P. Perreau, and A. Constantinescu, Field Data vs Theoretical Model to Quantify Drilling Efficiency and Disruption. SPE 50579 European Petroleum Conférence, 1998.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00117907

F. Ribes, Comportement dynamique d'une ligne de forage pétrolier, 1993.

L. A. Sinor, T. M. Warren, S. M. Behr, and M. R. Wells, Development of an Anti-Whirl Core Bit. SPE 24587, 67th Annual Technical Conférence and Exhibition, 1992.

P. D. Spanos, A. K. Sengupta, R. A. Cunningham, and P. R. Paslay, Modeling of Roller Cone Bit Lift-Off Dynamics in Rotary Drilling, Drilling Technology ASME, p.56, 1994.

A. Théron, Modélisation des effets non linéaires de contact dans le processus de forage, 1996.

J. Tlusty, Dynamics of High-Speed Milling, Journal of Engineering for Industry, vol.108, pp.59-67, 1986.

S. A. Tobias, Machine-Tool Vibration. Shock and Vibration Handbook, 1961.
DOI : 10.1016/0020-7357(61)90040-3

T. M. Warren, Factors Affecting Torque for a Roller Cone Bit, Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp.1500-1508, 1984.

W. J. Winters, T. M. Warren, and E. C. Onyia, Roller Bit Model with Rock Ductility and Cone Offset. 62nd Annual Technical Conférence and Exhibition of thé SPE, 1987.
DOI : 10.2523/16696-ms

D. W. Wu, A New Approach of Formulating thé Transfer Function for Dynamic Cutting Processes, Journal of Engineering for Industry, vol.111, p.37, 1989.

C. A. Zamudio, J. L. Tlusty, and D. W. Dareing, Self-Excited Vibrations in Drillstrings, vol.16661, 1987.

C. A. Zamudio, J. L. Tlusty, and D. W. Dareing, Effect of Shock Absorber on Drag Bit Chatter. SPE 17194. Manuscrit définitif reçu en mai, 1988.